How can you find a suitable staircase for your home?

How can you find a suitable staircase for your home?

Paying attention to the dimensions of the house and the height of the floor to the floor of the floors for the proper design of the stairs is one of the basic issues of the construction of the structure, which should be done technically and engineering. The width and height of each step should be calculated correctly so that there is not much difference between climbing the steps and walking on a flat surface. According to the desired space, you can choose round or straight stairs for your home.

Note that by measuring correctly and choosing the shortest distance to connect the floors, prevent people who use the stairs from getting tired. According to the design principles used by SAFELCO company, which we mentioned in the article Principles and Rules of Staircases and Railings, for example, to design a staircase with a height of 320 cm from the floor to the floor, 17 steps, each with a height of 18.82 cm, should be considered.

But because the buildings have different dimensions, these calculations are not always applicable. For example, we may need a different number of stairs to reach higher floors, and either the round staircase model is suitable in one space or it is not suitable in another space.

Therefore, the best way to reach the right design is to analyze countless options. In the following, we invite you to get to know more details about which staircase model is suitable for your home by examining the stairs case by case and choose the most suitable staircase for your space.

Attic staircase

Mezzanine Definition: The level or levels between the floor and the ceiling of each floor (according to Section 202 and 505 of the International Building Regulations (IBC 2012))

Sections 202 and 505 of the 2012 IBC require that the total area of ​​a mezzanine or mezzanine in any building shall not exceed one-third of the floor area of ​​the building or space in which it is located. Know that high ceiling height leads to classroom formation.

Stairs to attic directly

In the picture above, you can see a model of an attic staircase, which, due to the short distance, did not see the need to implement a double-sided fence, so it was implemented with a one-sided fence. Specific to the implementation conditions of this staircase, the passage on the top of the end of the staircase is designed to be small in order to uniformly show the exterior of the staircase. As you can see in the picture above, with the aim of simplifying the interior of the house, no other material has been used in the stairs except for the floor of the stairs.

Therefore, the fence is used on one side and half of the stairs so as not to give the house a crowded appearance. The use of a belt without an additional cover instead of a handrail with other materials has been suitable for these conditions. This fence model can make the space look bigger and opener.

In small spaces, apart from moving people between floors, stairs have another function in spaces as decoration. In order to reach the appropriate height for the stairs, a box with a higher height than each step is designed as a platform or table on the floor, which continues to the beginning of the stairs and can be used for decoration. In such a way that the space under the stairs can be used to place a TV set or other devices. (To read more about the use of the under-stairs, refer to the article on decor and use of the space under the stairs.)

Obviously, minimalistic design is very suitable for small spaces and it is better to use straight stairs for such spaces as much as possible to minimize space occupation.

In the picture above, you can see another example of an attic staircase, which, in order to make it easier to enter the staircase space, two stairs are considered at the beginning of the staircase, and with a small step to the continuation of the staircase, which is designed in line with the wall, and then to the space below. The gable is connected. Due to the small space, there is no need to implement a fence for this work. There is only a railing attached to the wall to help you climb up. The space under the stairs in this building is intended for the kitchen cabinet, which is a very economical decision and has minimized the distraction of the space with this idea.

The color of the stairs is considered to be almost the same spectrum as the design and color of the floor of the living room, and in order to show this space better, white color is used in the border of the stairs, which makes the space of the staircase look elegant and beautiful. By using white color at the end of the stairs in the ceiling of the kitchen, it has made the space look bigger and hidden the existing failures. In the painting of the kitchen, a contrasting color is used to better show the separation of the space and double the beauty of the stairs and the space below it.

Round attic staircase

In the picture above, as you can see, it has a classic space and a simple form, and the design and implementation of a round staircase has given a new spirit to this space. Choosing the dark color of the stairs has turned the structure into an element and a sculpture in the space and has given a special color and glaze to the surrounding space and caused the eye to continue moving from the lower floor to the dark ceiling and the color contrast in the space. Best applied step. The bright and white color of the walls has made the space uniform, while the dark color of the stairs has prevented the uniformity of the space.